“Billed as Ambient World Beat, EnTrance is such a delightful melding of both that it may have created a new musical category… each track has something fresh going for it.”
— Steve Ryals, Planet Earth Music
Conrad Praetzel
EnTrance... With the accent on the second syllable, it means to fill with rapturous delight.
EnTrance... With the accent on the first syllable, it signifies a means or place of entry.
EnTrance... With this collection of delightful compositions, Conrad Praetzel opens the gateway to an endless journey of musical discovery. Drawing from a supporting cast of musicians and a studio-full of exotic and virtual instruments Conrad Praetzel has forged a truly unique ensemble sound. At times, the sound is other-worldly, often inner-worldly, unquestionably modern, yet unfathomably ancient.
Join Conrad Praetzel and his gypsy band as they journey through uncharted realms in search of the spiritual underground and rediscover our rhythmic past.
Walking The Shadows
River Truce
Out Of The Woods
Lykewake Walk
West Of The Moon
West Of The Moon
Kissing Gargoyles
Stone Soup
Question Of Bliss
Corpus Delict
Conrad Praetzel - keyboards, percussion, guitar, mandolin
Robert Powell - guitars, pedal steel guitar, dobro, electric sitar
Armando Fojaco - dumbek, percussion
Solomon Feldhouse - oud, ney flute, violin, flamenco guitar
Released on Paleo Music 1995

Included in The Absolute Sound Super CD List
“This is a masterful job.”
— Harry Pearson, The Absolute Sound
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